Browse Month

July 2021

The Right Wallpaper for Holiday Homes

People who are lucky enough to live in areas popular with tourists can actually turn their homes into holiday accommodation. This is a great way to make a supplemental income. The success of these kinds of businesses will depend on the number of positive reviews they gain from their paying guests.

The people staying in the holiday home will want the interior to be decorated effectively. It will mean acquiring the right wall décor. Family Wallpapers is the best site to purchase this from. Their catalogue has a wide variety of options. Often the right choice will depend on the location of the holiday home.

Rural Style

If the accommodation is in the countryside, then the owner could use wall decorations that reflect the beautiful nature outside. In these cases, the wallpaper for walls could depict floral patterns which would help to create a calming atmosphere. The rustic style will usually have colour pallettes in white, green and blue. If possible, the owner should match the hues with whatever views are seen from the window.

Art Deco

If the holiday home needs more of a classy tone, then Art Deco wallpaper is a great option. This artistic movement first gained popularity in the 1920s. Since then, it has come to epitomise luxury and elegance. It tends to be seen in homes that are pretty modernist. Utilising Art Deco patterns will help to keep the interior looking timeless and chic.

50’s Wallpaper

In recent years retro decorations have seen a significant resurgence. When 1950s inspired wallpaper is used, it creates a very bold statement. It will have bright colours and quirky patterns. It is essential to match this with the rest of the design elements within the room. Otherwise, it can risk making the holiday home appear too garish.

Personalised Images

Sometimes the homeowner will have a particular vision for their accommodation. Family Wallpapers gives customers the option of creating their own personalised wall mural. This will involve uploading their desired picture onto the site. It is then blown up and printed as wallpaper. The possibilities are only limited by the holiday home designer’s imagination.